World Food Day 2023

Il Vian con la FAO in percorsi di sostenibilità

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Il 5 Ottobre scorso, le studentesse e gli studenti del 5N Linguistico, riflettendo sull’importanza dell’evento mondiale World Food Day del 16 Ottobre p.v., hanno effettuato una visita presso la sede della FAO a Roma con le docenti di Lingua e Cultura Inglese. A quella esperienza segue attualmente il loro impegno, e quello di altri gruppi classe del nostro Liceo, in preparazione alla competizione annuale per cui realizzeranno il poster 2023 sul tema : “Water is Life, Water is Food. Leave no one behind”.
L’intento principale del percorso di Educazione Civica, che prende nome dall’evento celebrativo, è chiaramente la sensibilizzazione, innanzitutto individuale, e poi anche della propria comunità locale, insieme a quella mondiale, su alcuni temi di sostenibilità dell’Agenda 2030, i cui obiettivi rappresentano
una sfida irrinunciabile per la società contemporanea.

A seguire, alcuni commenti dei nostri allievi:

The World Food Day is celebrated worldwide on October 16th to commemorate the founding of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations on that exact date in 1945.
It is focused on considering that food is a fundamental human right and on believing in the necessity to mobilize and sustain interest and support for the necessary long-term effort to overcome widespread
malnutrition across the globe.

Obviously this is not only a commemoration but also a day to remember how everybody can help change and save the world. Throughout the years the themes adopted are not only connected to hunger or food security. The World Food Programme was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2020 for its efforts to combat hunger, contribute to peace in conflict areas and for playing a leading role in preventing the use of hunger as a weapon of war and conflict.

The theme of World Food Day 2023 is very significant, because water is essential to life on Earth and it covers the majority of the Earth’s surface. But we all need to stop thinking about water as an unlimited resource, and start improving the way we use it in our daily lives.

If you don’t know where to start, here is some advice: take shorter showers, don’t pour food waste and oils down the drain, take part in clean-ups of local rivers, lakes and seas and when buying clothes choose natural and organic fibers like cotton or wool over synthetic options, whose microplastic can enter our water systems.

Our visit to FAO provided us with valuable insights into the pressing global issues of food insecurity. Let’s become agent of change by actively contributing to the objectives of World Food Day 2023 and
collaborating to secure a sustainable food future.

Visiting FAO’s headquarters in Rome was unbelievable. The magnificence of the building and the international flags flying outside reflect the organization’s global goal. FAO’s mission to eradicate hunger by 2030 was at the core of our discussions. Its efforts to help communities adapt to climate change demonstrate their commitment to resilience and the importance of climate-smart agriculture in ensuring food security for all.
Our school trip was not just an educational experience but a call to action.
In the spirit of World Food Day, let us commit ourselves to making a difference in our communities.


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